Taco Tuesday – Save / Load


The main thing I worked on this week was the saving and loading feature.

Save / Load Screen

On the main menu of the game, the start button used to take the player straight into a new game. Now, it takes the player to the save / load screen where they can choose to make a new game, or load a previous game. This screen can also be accessed from the pause menu so it gives the player a choice of resuming or saving their current game. Currently there is only one save state available,  but later in development, the other two will be added. Also, the game saves will also display the total number of tacos eaten to easily identify which game save is which.

Rough Pause Menu

Upon adding the save / load feature, I needed to improve the navigation between screens. This pause menu was added so the player could go from the game to either the save screen or exit to the main menu. The player could also just be pausing the game. The pause menu is accessible through pressing the escape key.

Help screen with more accessibility

I also added a button to return to the main menu from the help screen. Before this addition, the player was stuck here forever. Ironic.

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